Wicked Waffle - Local, Inspired Food

Keeping up with my - totally not intentional - breakfast based events and posts is a fresh take on one of my favorite foods. Wicked Waffle is a restaurant locally created a decade ago at Mosaic Cuisine & Café in Rockville, Maryland. Now it stands on its own, with the foundation of (almost) everything on the menu featuring their signature "puffs of fresh, light, airy, slow-risen" waffles. With major offerings of breakfast, waffle sandwiches, open face savory waffles, and desserts: this is a place that can I'd happily throw money at.  What started as a simple afternoon meal blew my mind with their ability to think out of the box, which is something we at Illyx particularly appreciate. So.. yes okay.. i could have been won over by the simple bacon egg and cheese sandwiched with two waffles, but the shredded Peking duck, Asian slaw and Hoisin sauce? Bruh... I don't even really know what a Hoisin sauce is... but i know its pretty damn good. Next on my to-try-list is the walnut grape chicken salad and Norwegian Smoked salmon/cream cheese sandwiches. 

With two locations in the DC area and the new menu addition of the "wicked wings and waffle" they can expect to see me more then they probably would like. Wicked wicked wicked wicked... (in my most mumbly of Future impressions.)