New Ill, Who Dis?

The biggest thing we want to do as a Project Illyx family is step it up on a constant basis. Here's a look at our goals and dreams for 2016. We can't wait to take this ride with you - get with the creative movement!  - The Project Illyx Team


Its 2016! Aren’t there supposed to be flying cars or something? It’s only a matter of time I guess.  Anyway what resolutions have you made a promise to uphold this year?  What drastic action have you decided to take that will burn you out after 7-10 days?  This time of year people tend to go careening from one extreme to another trying to make drastic changes.  How about we all just take the time to put a little extra effort into pursuing our dreams? A little extra effort can go a long way.  Small pieces added up to a larger whole. I want to start saving money incrementally so I can go abroad next year and go parading around the world in a Illyx hoodie and tshirt.   Illyx is all about pursuing your dreams.  Make 2016 the year to do it!

|     Rob Weatherford, Operations

This year, I want to be creative in a different way. In years past, I've made sweeping statements about what I want to do or be over the next year, like losing 10 pounds or starting a huge creative campaign. This time I want to be more purposeful and do one small thing to improve my life or be creative every day. Maybe one day its meditating and another day its taking an hour to work on my digital illustration skills. But 365 days of constant progress? That's innovation to me.

|    Vogue Wilborn, Designer

2016? Already? I have now been through this 30 years, so i guess its about time to make a change. I have invested in taking a more pronged focused approach to the goals for this year. Breaking things down to HOW I'm going to obtain them and when. Then im going to actually achieve them!! No one has ever thought of such a innovative approach ever in the history of new years! No one ever reaches all their new year goals, but im damn sure going to try with some hard work and accountability. Tune in and find out how it turns out.

|     Frisco Fairfax, CEO


Leave your creative goals in the comments! Project Illyx is for the people.

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